f Ava Beauti

Apply your lashes in seconds.

What some of our customers think

11/10. super convenient, easy to put on and they look great! ive got sensitive skin and t

- Frances Grady

impressed with how natural the finish is, this is gonna be a permanent replacement for me instead of using glue

- Eunice Hayes

they were pretty easy to put them on and take off! looks so nice, defs recommend

- Tianna Robel

you do not understand. i am obsessed

How did I not think of this before?! I am in love with this mini fridge! I put all of my serums and eye creams in it and it gives it the best feeling. There is even a shelf perfect for my sheet masks. I got the blue one and it looks so good in my bathroom. I no longer need to tell my husband and kids not to touch my skincare products. It’s just so perfect and cute I love it!

my boyfriend asked me why i need my own fridge to store my skincare in.... he just doesnt understand.... this is what love is.... (no but on serious not i highly recommend this lol)

- Samantha Blackwell

- Bella Watkins

- Madeline Schwartz

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